Natural and Social Sciences

3er TERM 2018-2018

Light, Sound and Heat

What is sound?

Sound is a type of energy made by vibrations.

What are these sounds? Click on the link and play.
Let's watch these videos and learn some more.

What is light?


Light and colour

Reflection and refraction

How is a rainbow formed?

Let's do some experiments!

Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Experiment 3

Experiment 4


 Static electricity. What is it?

Inventors and Inventions

Thomas Edison: Lightbulb

Alessandro Volta: Battery

Michael Faraday: Electrical generator

Marconi: Radio transmitter

2nd TERM 2018 - 2019

Early Modern Age: The fall of an empire

The Habsburgs

Family Tree

The statue of Felipe III in the Plaza Mayor.

Why don't you create a timeline like this one?
Click on this link and try!

Watch this video and learn how to do it

Good job!!

The Bourbons

Breaking News!!

The Biosphere

The biosphere is the sum of all the ecosystems on Earth.

Food Chains

Watch this video and learn about Food chains:

Do you want to play?

Food Webs

Several food chains can be connected to make a food web.

Watch this video:

What causes extinction?

Global Warming

Human activities produce greenhouse gases, which increase global warming.
 Greenhouse gases are gases that can trap heat. They let sunlight pass through the atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere. Overall, greenhouse gases are a good thing. Without them, our planet would be too cold, and life as we know it would not exist. But there can be too much of a good thing. 

Click on this link and learn more about global warming.



Use your imagination and create your own cartoon or comic. Choose a background or upload your own background. Add your own characters, choose the text clouds and … your comic will be ready!

Click on this link and try!


What is energy? Energy is "the ability to do work". It is how things move and change. It's everywhere around us and takes all sorts of forms. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be stored or transfered. Click on this link and watch a video:

Let's sing these songs!!

Forms of Energy

The main forms of energy could be classified into:

Sing and practice!

What's the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Click on this link and learn some more:

Sound Energy

Light energy

Chemical energy

Energy transformation



Population pyramids


Primary sector

Secondary Sector

1st TERM 2018- 2019

Do you remember the main geographical features of the Iberian Peninsula? Let's see!

🏰 🏰 🏰 Middle Ages 🏰 🏰 🏰

The Visigoths: kingdom and kings

Who am I?  Why am I famous?

🔎🔎These paintings are in the Museo del Prado.🔍🔍

There is a sculpture collection of twenty Spanish kings corresponding to five Visigoth kings and fifteen kings of the early Christians kingdoms in the Reconquista.

Where are these sculptures❓❓

🔎Find out which common Spanish surnames come from the Visigoths.

Watch this video about the Visigoths:

Al- Andalus

🔎Find out Spanish words derived from Arabic

Do you want to learn some more about Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar? 
Click on this link

The Feudal society

Watch and learn!!

Life of a medieval monk:

Life of a medieval noblewoman:

🔍🔍The Scientific Method🔍🔍

🐁🌲🐃🐄🍐 Living Things🐪🐊🐓🐋


Have you ever wondered what we are all made of?

Animal cells. Watch this video:

Venn Diagram:

Do you want to learn more about cells? Click on these links.

Challenge: Make an animal or plant cell model

Use any materials you have at home. Remember, your cell must have the main organelles we've learned in class.

Wow! The cells you've made are AWESOME!!! 

Let's sing

Levels of organization

Click here and learn some more about the five kingdoms:

Let's investigate: Individual Activity

Choose an interesting organism from one of the 5 kingdoms:

1-      Find out if it is unicellular or multicellular. Investigate what types of cells, tissues, organs or systems it has got.

2-      How does it obtain nutrients? How does it move?

3-      How does it reproduce? Which kingdom does it belong to? Talk about this kingdom.

4-      Find out three interesting facts about your organism.

5-      Make a fact file of your organism. Include a drawing. Add photos and write the information about your organism.





Alexander Fleming: Penicillim, a fortuitous Discovery

🌲🐃🐄🍐 Ecosystems🐪🐊🐓🐋

What is an ecosystem? Watch and learn

Types of Ecosystems:

Grassland: The Savannah

Decidious Forest



Aquatic Ecosystems

Let's play

Let's investigate:

Ecosystems Trioramas
After reading and learning about different ecosystems, you have to create a 3D triorama choosing any of the ecosystems we've learned in class. Your triorama must include the main living and non living things that make up that ecosystem, all popping out of the picture in 3D form. You also have to write  a 2-3 paragraph essay explaining your ecosystem.

And... these are your trioramas!!! Great job!

The Early Modern Age:
From Kingdom to Empire

The Catholic Monarchs

Christopher Columbus and the Discovery of America

Christopher Columbus led four expeditions.

Watch the video and learn more about Columbus.

Ancient civilizations in America

The Maya Civilization

The Aztecs

The Inca Civilization

Magallanes and Elcano 

The Golden Age

Miguel de Cervantes

El Greco


3rd TERM 2017- 2018


We can't see the forces but we can feel their effect.

Push or pull? 

Click on these links and play some games:


If you click on these links, you can learn more about magnets!




Simple machines video


Try to do this experiment:

You need a ruler, a marker, sticky tape and a tennis ball.

1- Tape the marker parallel to the edge of the table.
2- Tear off a piece of sticky tape, loop it, and attach it to the end of the ruler.
3- Place the ruler on the marker at the center point. 
4- Press a tennis ball to the tape.

Place the ball as close to the marker as possible and press the lever to lift the ball.
Place the ball is as far away from the marker as possible  and press the lever to lift the ball again. 
 Which lever configuration made the ball easiest to lift? Which lever configuration made it the most difficult to lift the ball? 

Click on these links and learn some more about simple machines:


How to make a pulley

Archimedes inventions

Great Job! Your machines are SUPER!!😃

Periods of history

What is a timeline?

Click on this link and practice:

The invention of writing

The earliest writing we know of was probably invented around 3000 B.C by the Sumerians, living in what is now southern Iraq.

The Sumerians used  a pointed tool and damp clay tablets where they represented pictures of the ítems they needed to record.

Watch the video and learn!

What is Archaeology?

Human beginnings



Metal Ages

The Celts and Iberians

Bulls of Guisando (Ávila)

Lady of Elche 

 Do you want to learn some more about the Prehistory?

Then, click on this link and watch!!!

Ancient History in Spain

Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians

They started to come to the Iberian Peninsula about 1.000 years B.C. looking for metals.
They established colonies.

They also introduced new products, writing and the use of coins.

The Roman conquest

Romans and Carthaginians were rivals.

Both wanted to control the Mediterranean Sea.

Punic wars:

Roman Hispania

Read the latest news!!!

2nd TERM

Common illnesses and Healthy Life

Let's learn some health vocabulary!

Healthy Eating

Nutrients are the molecules in food that all organisms need to make energy, grow, develop and reproduce.

Click on the photo and play a game!

If you want to play more games, visit these web pages:

Watch these videos and learn some more!

Healthy habits
Click on this web page and check some healthy habits:

If you feel good, sing this song!

Health and medicine


All water on the Earth is called Hydrosphere.

The water Cycle.

Using the App Autorap, we have transformed some poems about the water cycle, creating some raps!

What is underground water?

Click on the picture an learn some more about rivers.

Do you know what is the name of each river of Spain shown on the map?


Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up space.       

Click on these links and learn more about matter!

Watch this video!

The smallest particle of matter is an ATOM. There are approximately 100 different types of atoms.

Learn more about elements and compounds:

Properties of Matter

Click on this link and practice:

Changes in matter

Watch the video and learn some more:

Watch this experiment!

Rocks and minerals

What do you know about rocks and minerals?
Click on the picture and check!


Types of ROCKS

Identify rocks game:

Uses of ROCKS


Play minerals GAME

Plate Tectonics

📗📗📗     📘📘📘     📏📏📏     ✏✏✏     ✂✂✂      📌📌📌

1st TERM

Welcome everybody! We've just started a new school year and we're ready to learn lots of things!

Click on the picture to see the rest

What do you know about Living Things? We're going to learn many things about plants, animals and fungi.

Let's start!!

Click on the picture to see more

The cell is the basic unit of all living things.

Animal Kingdom: 


Food chains:

Watch this video.

You can also sing this song!

Let's play this game

Plant Kingdom:

Sexual Reproduction:

Insect pollination

Wind pollination

Watch this video

Another video!

Examples of Asexual Reproduction:



Let's sing!!

Planet Earth

We use imaginary lines to make it easier to find places.

There are 2 types of imaginary lines: meridians and parallels.



Watch these videos to learn more!

Play these games!

Let's sing!!

The Earth's movements
Play these games

Watch this video

The Earth's Layers

Project time!

We made a model of the Earth's layers using plasticine. Do you like them? 😃

Important Discoveries


Watch this video and learn more things 
about a very important astronomer: Galileo Galilei


The atmosphere is a layer of gases around the Earth.

We made a poster to practice the different layers of Atmosphere.👌

Climate vs Weather

Watch this videos and learn more

Measuring the weather

CHALLENGE: Make your own ...

Weather vane and anemometer

Rain gauge

Rain gauge

And... these are the results!!

Pablo, Paula, María, Cristina, Marta, Mauro and Jaime. Fantastic job!!👍
4º A




Rodrigo, Elia, Lucía and Alejandra. Well done!!👌

Susana and Martina. Good job!😊

Weather forecast

 Make a weather forecast map, just like on television! Click on the picture to begin.

Click on the photo and watch some examples of weather forecasts for the UK.

Body Systems

In our bodies there are different levels of organization: 

Our body systems work together to provide the oxygen and nutrients we need, to interact with our environment and to reproduce.

Digestive System

Which organs are in the digestive system? What does this system do?

Watch these videos and learn some more.

Excretory System

The Excretory system is in charge of getting rid of wastes and extra water in the body.

Watch this video!

Circulatory System

The Circulatory System is a transport system that takes blood to all parts of the body. It's made up of the heart and the blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries).
Click on the picture and watch the video

Learn some more!

Listen to the song and answer the questions.

Respiratory System

Nervous System

Let's play